# Fat German Productions 2013 This program is SpongWare. The use of SpongWare is entirely according to the following conditions: 1) You may use it or not, I don't care. Just don't winge at me, I hate that. 2) It is provided 'as is'. Nobody is responsible for anything it might or might not do. 3) You may distribute it freely, although I would advise against printing it out and throwing it out of the window, that stuff gets you fined. 4) You may alter it if you wish, and distribute the altered version if you wish but you must include this license and distribute it under this license. 5) Before installing this software, smile at someone you like. Failure to do so is just not nice 6) There is no rule 6 7) This notice must be included with any copy of the software you distribute 8) Adherence to 'coding standards' is to be regarded with suspicion. 9) If this program goes wrong in any way, for example it deletes all your data or perhaps it wipes the entire internet overnight and leaves the world a dead place, nobody is responsible. Deal with it. You use it as your own risk. As you do with, say, knives. Or cereal. 10) Use of any part of this software in any commercial context by any for-profit organisation without the express permission of the author is forbidden. # fatgerman@gmail.com CREDITS ======= This program makes use of lots of other stuff which are all released under their own licenses, just to make it complicated. The original inspiration came from phpMP, and the original core of this app was lifted directly from there. It's grown quite a lot since then. jquery (http://jquery.com) and the jquery UI framework (http://jqueryui.com) are probably released under the GPL or something. I dunno, their websites aren't very clear on that point. The md5 hashing algorithm code was taken from http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 and is released under a BSD license The jquery form plugin comes from http://malsup.com/jquery/form/ and also has two licenses.